What is NPT Time? Benefits of tracking Non-Productive Time.


NPT Time:

Sample Format for NPT Record sheet.



NPT stands for Non-Productive Time in garments   industry. In general NPT is the time spend by an operator or more team member without producing any pieces is called non-productive time.

Because of non-productive time, a huge number of pieces are lost daily in garments factory. The main purpose of measuring NPT time is to measure how many pcs & efficiency lost. In efficiency report, we show npt time to know if this much time we could use to produce then what can be the achieve efficiency level.

There are some reasons to create NPT in line.

  • Machine setting delay in new style
  • Input not available
  • Accessories delay
  • Print/embroidery delay
  • Power failure
  • Machine breakdown
  • Capacity issue
  • Wash delay
  • Sample not available
  • Technical problems etc.
  • Unplanned changeover
  • Quality issue
How to record NPT:
Industrial Engineering department is the responsible to record and maintain report of NPT time. Some factories have production collectors - record NPT & submit to IE. Whenever you observe someone passing idle time without working, find the reason behind it and record from start to end time.
If multiple operators sitting idle because of same problems at the same time then multiply number of operators with lost minute then divide by 60 to calculate total lost hour & record it to printed sheet.
Take signature from responsible person & department head.
Make responsible person to record it daily basis.
  • Respective floor IE
  • Production collectors/ recorders
  • Respective line supervisor.

Application of NPT Report:
Department wise daily and month to date NPT report

To minimize the maximum NPT time is the purpose to collect it. So after collecting all data, make a report and circulate to the management through mail or any other apps like viber,WhatsApp. Make a parameter after 15 days or once in every end of the month to find which NPT parameters are occurring at higher frequency.
Then conduct a meeting with all responsible departments & introduce the report to them to take prevention of future NPT time reduction.

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