Supervisor Job Responsibilities

Daily Responsibilities of A Professional Supervisor.

who observe and manage a team to ensure that they are performing effectively with right quality & quantity. To be a successful supervisor one has to have organizational and communication skill. Normally supervisor, who are working with the operator directly known as lower level management. So he has to transfer information from upper level management to operator & all kind of floor related information to upper level management.

Supervisors act on several roles in their workplace. A good supervisor creates positive working environment for their associates to achieve company target effectively.

Some important responsibilities of a supervisor are as follows:

    Start work on sharp 8 AM : Present on working area at least 15 minutes early. Arrange all necessary things for the operators to start their work on time at 8 am & so on before/after lunch, tiffin & up to last minute.

    Line Balance: Work with IE & make the line balance within 15 minutes based on skill. Maximum potential output can get from a well balanced line.

    Manpower update to senior & IE dept.: Headcount all the present manpower, cross check with HR & submit to IE dept. for calculating day forecast.

    Talk With absentees: To control absenteeism, talk regular basis those are come back to office after absent. Most of the people are absent without any serious issue. So by discussion or provide short leave can reduce it.

    Make a rhythm in line: This is very important technique to achieve the target. People will work there with mental satisfaction when one can create a positive competition within the team member.

    Check capacity: After balance the line check capacity with IE where you have balanced at absent areas.

    Check Production report hourly: Production report is mirror of a production line. If you keep your eyes on the production report, you can see every details over there. You can find who are producing less, who are producing more, where is the WIP / Bottle Neck everything. You can focus & get the result with follow-up continuously in every hour.

   Follow up: Talk to them very confidently if someone doing less production, ask the question again and again, get involve IE there & follow-up in every hour until achieve target. Inspired them those are achieving target to continue.

   Check Quality: Check quality report of every check point hourly. Talk to people if there any quality issues & solve it very quickly.

   Talk to today’s absent operator over the phone for next day attendance 100%.

     Explain yesterday achievement, incentive amount & today’s plan.

    Follow process wise total production every after 2 hours to prevent fake production. Then have to know about earlier WIP first. Now deduct today output from today received pcs from another operator/section. This way a supervisor easily can find out if the operator give right or wrong figure.

   Check production plan once in a day to take preparation for next style feeding.

   Meeting: Take a short meeting after leave daily, discuss todays achievement, inspired them to earn money through incentive. Make good relationship with all team member

Set a good example by avoiding workplace gossip, unnecessary movement and staying in control of your emotions. Offer an open door policy for team members to express themselves, and actively solve internal debate.

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